Catechesis and the Catechumenate : echoing God's word

Catechesis comes from a Greek word meaning 'to echo' or 'to resound'. Those involved in catechesis should resound with the message of the gospel, not simply learn it or be able to repeat it.

Catechesis is the basis of the 'catechumenate', a learning method that has been revived in the church in recent decades as a structured method of learning, leading to baptism, confirmation or re-affirmation of baptismal promises. The approach it takes to learning is do with 'formation in the faith' rather than simply learning facts or doing a course. The aim is that the 'learner' engages personally with the living Word, Jesus Christ, making the faith their own. They do this through meetings with a lay helper, sponsor or mentor, who accompanies them on their spiritual journey through mutual sharing.

The catechetical process goes beyond candidates for baptism and confirmation, involving mentors or 'lay catechists' in the learning process. So continuing formation in the faith spreads through the congregation, leading to the creation of a 'learning church'.

This web site exists to provide information and resources about catechesis and the catechumenate, and to encourage 'whole church catechesis' and the development of a learning church in and through which God's word echoes and resounds.

As well as an outline of the Adult Catechumenate, there is a list of references to printed material, some downloadable implementation resources for looking into and helping in the implementation of the catechumenal process in a parish, some downloadable liturgical material, sometimes referred to as 'Rites on the Way', and downloadable catechesis resources, related to the church year (that is, the three-year liturgical cycle).

The Anglican Catechumenate Network is a loose association of people interested in implementing and sharing their experiences of the catechumenal process in the Anglican Church in the UK. There are links to catechumenate associations in other countries.

C. P. Lunt